Ask Me provides the services of a Social Media Manager: creates and manages Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, Instagram accounts and other social media venues.  For those hands on businesses, Ask Me will teach those social media skills. We will create social media accounts and then teach the user how to utilize the venue in the most effective manner. Ask Me also creates and manages websites for individuals or businesses. A few other services are: writing, desktop publishing, event planning and other services. Need help…”Ask Me”! 

Our Services

Custom Images - Start at $30

Inspirational quotes, specials, announcements... all with your logo and information that you choose!

Annual Business Review and Forecast - Starting at $100

The Derrick's Annual Business Review will be published in February 2025. All articles and pictures must be submitted January 1, 2025. Ask Me will prepare the article while you concentrate on running your business. Make an appointment for a phone conference to get the ball rolling.

Facebook Management - Starting at $30/month

Ask Me will manage your Facebook account while you are busy with daily business operations.

Email Marketing - Starting at $30/month

Set up an Email Marketing Advertising Campaign. Contact your Best customer(s), weekly-monthly or just for special announcements. Send Holiday and Birthday Wishes.

Website Design & Management - Websites start at $300

Ask Me teams with the Business Owner to provide a personal touch to have a Website that well represents your Business.